Tax number:

By supporting community initiatives, the Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation aims at contributing to the development of a democratic, sustainable and equitable society and an institutional system based on citizen participation.

Our programsClick on the programs to reach their own webpage!

Civil Society and Elections

We analyzing, evaluating and supporting the activities of CSOs and community groups (e.g. voter mobilization, election monitoring) around the local and national elections.

Reclaim our Civil Space!

We broadening the grassroots basis and constituency of civil society, facilitating cross-border cooperation and developing together the outlines of a comprehensive European civil society policy.

Civil Map

Our goal is to map and meet those, primarily local organizations, groups and communities („newbies”) which so far have not been active outside their direct environs, have not participated in the broader „circulation”.


Through its community organizing program, Ökotárs aims at contributing to the revitalization of civic community life in the countryside.

Civil Partner

Aims to develop non-profit leglislation to create a friendly and predictable environment where non-governmental organizations can work safely and easily. In cooperation with civil experts we do reserach, analyses and studies.

Tree of the Year and tree planting

Anyone can nominate their favourite tree to the annual contest. Besides we support community tree planting, the creation and rehabilitation of green spaces.

Tree of the Year >> LIFE TreeCheck >>

LIFE TreeCheck.... so the city doesn't burn!

Together with our partners we support cities in Central Europe to effectively adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Foltányi Zsuzsa - „FoZsu” emlékösztöndíj

Foltányi Zsuzsa, az alapítvány első “alapító” igazgatója, majd élete végéig az alapítvány stratégiai tanácsadója, a kuratórium, illetve az adományi bizottság tagja, a magyarországi civil környezetvédelmi mozgalom és a  fenntarthatósági törekvések egyik legmeghatározóbb személyisége.


Emléke és munkássága előtt tisztelegve 2024-ben emlékösztöndíjat alapítottunk azzal a céllal, hogy ösztönözzük és támogassuk azokat a kiváló egyetemi hallgatókat, akik a környezettudományokhoz kapcsolódó területeken tanulnak és aktív szerepet vállalnak a fenntarthatóság és a környezet védelmének népszerűsítésében. Az ösztöndíj célja hozzásegíteni a díjazottakat ahhoz, hogy pozitív hatást gyakoroljanak a környezetre, éppúgy, mint ahogy Foltányi Zsuzsa tette élete során.


Bővebben az ösztöndíj felhívásról

Eredményhirdetés - 2024


30 Sep. 2024


The Mérték Media Monitor and the Ökotárs-Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation (hereinafter jointly referred to as Mérték and Ökotárs), with the support of the Embassy of the United States of America in Budapest, Hungary, are pleased to announce a call for proposals aimed at protecting and strengthening press freedom, in Hungary, in two categories.

17 Sep. 2024

Joint statement by the implementing foundations of the program "Our Common Values"

Civil society organizations are often stigmatised for their engagement in public affairs. They are harassed by authorities to keep active citizens in uncertainty and fear. Thie same is happening now with Átlátszónet and Göd-Ért Association. We stand by our gratees, and give them all the help they need.

12 Sep. 2024

We gathered on the 10th anniversary of the illegal house raid at Ökotárs

We held a commemorative gathering to mark the tenth anniversary of the illegal house raid at Ökotárs to raise awareness of the shrinking civic space in Hungary over the past ten years and to thank our colleagues for their dedicated work.

Supported projectsList of the projects supported by Ökotárs

YearProgramOrganizationCityDescriptionGrant amount
2011CSO interest representationSzederkény EgyesületZalkod

The association worked out a professional concept targeting a reasonable and sustainable water-retention management. The plan (which was elaborated as a proposal to the National Rural Development Strategy) is presented - in theory and also in practice – to decision-makers of the Ministry, to...

2 740 EUR
2015EEA/Norway NGO FundGouranga SocietyBékéscsaba

There are more people dying of cancer in Hungary than in the western countries, and in Bekes county this number is growing. The psychosocial help of both the patients and their relatives-friends is very important, the quality of life can lead to healing. At the moment there is no such help...

10 053 EUR
2007Green BeltUniclub Köremendi Kulturális EgyesületKörmend

50-80 people participated at the eight cleaning action to rehabilitate the castle garden of Körmend. Several benches and waste bins were placed too.

1 546 EUR
2006GreenwaysSugárkankalin Turisztikai EgyesületDrégelypalánk

The association elaborated a feasibility study and a strategy plan to realize a local Greenway loop of the

3 393 EUR
1993Grant programHeves Megyei Környezetvédő SzövetségEger

For a copy machine, video camera, continuing publication of a newsletter established two years ago, and for fees to pay experts assisting the city’s environmental patrol. This organization identifies and helps solve environmental problems of the county and the city of Eger. The membership of...

1 059 EUR
